Monday, November 10, 2008


OBSESSIVE CULLEN DISORDER! The Cullen's are the vampire family from the Twilight series I have been reading. Believe it or not, I have already started re-reading the first book, Twilight, again. After reading all four books so quickly, they more or less become one long continuous story in my head. With the movie coming out in less than 2 weeks (which is based only on the first book), I wanted that story fresh in my head. For those of you who are familiar with the books, they now have one of those quizzes to see which character from the book you are. Mark took it before me (even though he hasn't read the book) and he is Carlisle Cullen. My friend and I thought this was humorous. Then I took the quiz and . . . I'm Esme (who is Carlisle's wife in the book). So at least we are still married in the land of fiction!!!! This post also comes with a promise that the next post will NOT be about Twilight. I will attempt to write something about family and our lives here in Wilmore. Happy Reading.


Amy said...

I wanted to add something without breaking my promise about the next post NOT being about Twilight. I did order a shirt to wear to the movie opening night. If you've seen the shirts, you know it was a hard decision. I tried to go with something that still showed respect toward my husband, so I chose a shirt that says "This Bella married her Edward." Everyone together now, "Ahhhhh."

Mark said...

I declare post foul!

Looks like the boys & I will most likely continue our Star Wars obsession on the night of the 21st. I think lightsabers and blasters would be ample protection from any silly vampire...

the force is strong in this family

Lisa said...

I know a good pastor that can give you two marriage counseling. ;)

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Why? Does Todd know one?

Lisa said...

Maybe one or two.

NTSS Montgomery said...

Amy have you already bought your tickets? If you preorder on you'll get the remix of Bella's lullaby. What showing are you going to? I'm going on the 21st to the 2:20 showing with my friend Colleen that you met. We didn't want to go to an evening showing and have to deal with the screaming tweens. lol :)

NTSS Montgomery said...

oh and love the shirt. :)