Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn

That has been the story of my life over these last 6 days! Who would've thought this die hard non-fiction follower would fall so hard for the fictional world of Edward Cullen and Isabella (Bella) Swan. Remarkably, I finished the fourth and final book last night (er . . . EARLY this morning - hence the "breaking dawn" reference to the title of the last book). That's right, people - over 2500 pages of remarkable story telling in just 6 days. I've surprised even myself, not to mention irritated my husband, and neglected my children! All for the sake of a vampire love story. I know it sounds cheesy, but I urge you to just read the first book. If you don't like it, it is written in such a way that (a normal person) could simply put it down and not worry about finishing the rest. Why anyone would decide that is beyond me, but hey, to each her own.

1 comment:

NTSS Montgomery said...

Have you read the unfinished book Midnight Sun? It's Edwards view of the same events from book 1. It's unfinished but she did post it so it's fair game. I loved it and wished she had finished but maybe that will come later on. :)